Welcome to our website, which we hope will be useful, informative and easy to navigate for everyone interested in fiddling on PEI. We now have info on fiddle and step dance teachers, repair people, and on sessions and jams across the island.

We have just welcomed the Friday Night Jammers of Wellington, and each of our five chapter sections has a list of tunes with sources. Four chapters have at least some of the tunes available in audio and sheet music form. Practice schedules and locations for practices are included, with people to contact for more information.

All our past newsletters are viewable here, as well as a list of tune books, websites, CD’s, artists and sources on the history of our Society and of PEI fiddling in general.

The Society wishes to thank our two technical experts: Connie Zoeller, for her patient work on the design of the website, and Steven Garrity for his help in transferring the long set list of the Queen’s County Fiddlers onto this site.

If you know of any other teachers, repair people, CD’s, artists, websites, jams and sessions, books, etc. that we should include on this website, please let me know!

We hope you enjoy the new site and would appreciate your comments and suggestions.

Amy Swenson